Wednesday, April 17, 2013

There Ought to be a Medal...

...for powering through the tough meals. Not just for getting through the day, but for holding it together in the face of hunger and exhaustion and stress. We need to make one. A traveling Diet Trophy, and we get to hold on to it until the next diet buddy conquers a tough meal.

Right now I nominate me, and I don't even care if someone else wins it away from me tomorrow morning.

In a nutshell, 5 hours of hospital waiting rooms tonight, we left at 9 pm. I was starving and tired, and stressed out from all of the poor patients around me moaning in agony. If I was a nurse, I'd just toss everyone pain pills like they were dog treats.

We ended up schlepping to El Toro when we left the hospital. Initially I wanted the hottest, cheesiest, corniest, beaniest, riciest trough of food they could serve me, and a cold beer didn't sound that bad either.

But no.

I pushed the chips across the table when they were set in front of me. Ordered pollo asado, black beans, hold the rice, skip the tortillas. And water with lemon, please. And of course, it was good, and I was satisfied when I left.

One more basket of chips resisted though. Trophy Please!

We really have to make that trophy. Who's gonna take it away from me?

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