Monday, April 1, 2013

His n Hers

Lunch was easy today, a joint effort with another South Beach dieter.

Dinner...a bit more stumbling around. I forgot to get anything out of the freezer, so shrimp it was, for the speedy thawing. But shrimp and what? No shrimp and rice, no shrimp and grits, no shrimp fettucine. I had salad for lunch, and while I'm here to make sacrifices, I didn't feel like another salad for dinner. I was freezing from a walk cut short by freezy wind, and I wanted something HOT.

Chop the vegetables. Onions, mushrooms, and tossed spinach. Sauteed in a little olive oil, and mostly a splash here and there of chicken broth.

Also in no mood to go to great lengths for his rice or pasta or potato, I served him a lovely spoonful of 12-cent ramen noodles.

It was good.

This is going to get easier. Meals will become more second nature, with time.

And when the pantry fills itself out. I added lemon juice and trans-fat-free margarine to my shopping list today. Another trip to the store.

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