Sunday, March 31, 2013

Diet Genesis

I'm jumping right in: A Diet Blog. Time will tell if it's overzealous overkill, or if it will serve as a useful sounding board.

I'm on Day 3 of the South Beach diet. I'm participating with friends which is a BIG bonus, but I've been on the brink of diet desperation (oh! The drama!) for the last week or so anyway. That my plan coincided with the girls next door (next cubicle) was pure serendipity.

I've jumped in with both feet on this one. Digging in to this diet (again, I lost a good deal of weight on it another time in my life), makes me aware of how difficult it is to get started. Why people start and stop any program after just a few days: Starting a diet cold turkey is HARD.
  • You still have the "old" food left in the house. I'd been roasting baby carrots lately, and turns out I can't have carrots for the first 14 days of this diet. I have 4 lbs of them in my crisper.
  • You need to READ and study.
  • It's expensive to get set up so that you're comfortable enough to stick this out. I need new groceries. I need to update groceries I already have. Goodbye fat free mayo, hello Hellman's (doesn't that sound backwards?) Fat free Greek Yogurt is $4 a carton. 
  • Snacks! Acceptable snacks, not the snacks I already have. All the snacks you already have need to be tossed. If I "wait until I eat them all, and then start the diet," I will likely never start the diet.
  • Work! Prep! Buy the vegetables, clean the vegetables, chop the vegetables. Boil the eggs, grill the chicken, be prepared. 
  • More money! Buy the App! $2. Yay App! Wait there's a catch: That app has more to offer, for $4.99 a month. A lot more to offer. Do I jump in for 5 more bucks a week? Decisions, more thinking.

I am 50 years old. I am 5'6" tall. Friday morning I weighed 199 pounds. It is too much. Mentally and physically, it has become too much.

I'm restocking. I'm studying. I'm reading, tossing, working, exercising, and spending $5 a week on myself.

I'm going to lose 10 pounds.

Five times.


  1. You can do it! WE can do it. I've come to realize - I must let the scale be my motivator. I will not be scared of it. I will not ignore it. I will not pretend it doesn't exist. THAT is when I get in trouble. When I ignore the bad that's happening.

  2. That scale can be intimidating--and depressing and embarrassing--hell, downright mortifying. But I was feeling bad before I knew the number, and THAT is just...unacceptable. Yay us! We're taking charge!
